
Welcome to my new and  - one hopes - improved website. I moved off my old site because it became too unwieldy to manage. There were too many images from too many places and phases and most of them, quite honestly, were crap. They were poorly or roughly edited and it’s weird now that I thought they were so good at the time. With retrospect and a sharpening of some skills - not all - they don’t say what I want them to say or show what I want them to show. Thus, the cleaner, prettier and simpler site you are now seeing. 

The downside of starting a whole new website on a whole new platform is that I will miss certain things the old website offered - like the ability to see how many visitors I had or how many views an image had. I liked that, and I’m not sure this new platform allows for it, so, c’est la vie, there’s plenty of analytics out there on other social media, like instagram,  FacebookFlickr and god only knows what else. One day I promise I will write a blog post about what an enormous pain in the ass it is keeping up with all these platforms. 

So what will you see on this site? You will see my latest work. Lots of pictures of abandoned places in the Hudson Valley, portraits of old men and labor activists, the occasional shot of a tree or flower, a few errant landscapes and various other things I think are cool. There will be a lot of close ups of faces, which is a little ironic since I never owned a particularly long lens and don’t plan to. If you’ve ever shot with me or been shot by me you know I go right up to people and then keep going in closer and closer. They love that! Not creepy at all! And I promise to not go filter-crazy. A little here and there, but never over the top. 

I will blog here, as I did on the former site, about creativity, motivation and passion. Understanding that even that could get tedious, I will make it short or I will make it funny. I will try not to bore you. And I will never inundate you with technical information or jargon, because I don’t care about that stuff and I understand it less than you do. 

So, enjoy the pictures. Honest criticism always appreciated. Praise always welcome! 

If you want to go shooting, or want me to take a picture of something that’s in my wheelhouse (like an abandoned mental hospital, not your kid’s bar mitzvah), send me an email or call/text me @ 917.856.2791.

I am so glad this new website is happening and I am so glad you are here! 

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